-<The Story of the Brand>

本公司成立於1992年,在經營團隊的努力下,富山檀香由傳統的金香舖成功轉型為宗教用品連鎖百貨,成為全國最大的宗教用品連鎖百貨。從世界各地進口原料,一直到工廠加工製造,形成一貫作業的生產流程,在製造過程堅持純天然、無污染的健康訴求下,不使用任 何化學香精的保証,並建置零售連鎖通路,產銷合一。

富山檀香目前擁有全省連鎖通路,對於宗教精品百貨銷售通路充滿著活力與信心,經由時間與經驗的累積,在消費者之需求及客層的區隔已臻至純熟,並建立起優質口碑。無論是直營門市、發貨中心或 委託經營門市,在硬體上均以精緻高雅為整體規劃,賦予商品無可比擬的質感與價值感。以產銷直營的方式經營,使消費者取得最優惠的價格,完全跳脫一般傳統金香舖的銷售方式。

「物美價廉、貨色齊全」是多年來不變的經營理念,「誠信售後 服務」更是堅持的原則,並持續秉持研究開發相關性生活產品來貼近消費者,讓消費者了解宗教拜拜與環保結合,更深入一般居家生活之重要性。

Fushan was found in 1992. With the commitment and efforts, the managing team successfully transformed the traditional joss sticks shop into a chain department store for religious related goods. Imported from overseas, the ingredients are carefully processed under a good quality control procedure. We insist on a natural way of manufacturing our incense products. No chemical flavors are added. Also, we have established a retailing channel to carry on the sales of the products.
Presently Fushan has a chain of retailers all over Taiwan. All the store managers have a passion in supplying religious appliances and goods to customers. With sufficient experiences in retailing, the stores managers thoroughly understand the needs of customers and the market segments. Our customers have praised our products and service highly. Sandalwood works hard to promote the quality of our products and services in every outlet, distribution center or contracted stores. All the shops are well arranged and embellished to create an elegant aroma. Because production and marketing are done by the company, we could guarantee our customers a low price. Compared to other business competitors, our approach is quite unique.
“Producing an array of products with good quality and reasonable price” is our management philosophy. We insist on providing honest after sale customer service. While developing new and better products to follow the modern trend, the research and development team has been trying to educate the public about the use of joss sticks, a cultural heritage.